So my laptop has finally died. I will try not to descend into cliche with anecdotal details on the laptop from my salad days. Suffice to say it’s quite annoying.
I also start my new job in a week. I realised a flaw in my thinking. I deliberately packed very little for my backpacking. Now I have about 7 t-shirts to last me a year. And one towel. True bachelor living awaits me.
I have finally taken to being a tourist here. Wandered around all the usual – Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Big Ben, some museum hopping and more. I also spent about an hour in Sister Ray, an indie record shop on Berwick Street, ie, the street on the cover of What’s the Story Morning Glory.
I’m completely undecided about what guitar to buy, although I guess a new laptop now takes priority. I want to get something weird, something not found in Australia.
I wish I had something more funny and interesting to say. I did see something called a ‘Dog Toilet’ today, which was basically a sand box in a park. That was pretty funny.
So overall it’s about a 7 out of 10. It’s going to be a boring Xmas of working. And I realise that January here will be quite different to the ones in Australia. No laid back afternoons in a beer garden, no Big Day Out and side shows to round out the month. Just another, normal, everyday month.
(future blogs may be scanned from handwriting)