I am sitting in Rynek Glowny, on a beautiful day, enjoying a Zywiec after a hectic morning.

Its my last full day in Krakow. I fly out at 7am, and trying to fit everything in.

A number of interesting, important things have happened here. Firstly, met some great people on the train. They gave me quite a lot to think about. I also went out drinking with some locals. One girl told me living in London is like working on the moon. This fantasy. It was very, very humbling.

Auschwitz took up most of day two. I could have spent another day there, but I was so disturbed already. I was going to write a whole thing on Auschwitz. I might still do. But for now…when walked through the gas chamber and looked into one of the ovens where they burnt the bodies… I wanted to throw up.

I met Sarah and Tess who had dinner with me last night and today is tourist day. Saw the castle, Schindlers factory, the Japanese museum and now back in the old square for some serious beating up of the memory card.

All this walking is killing me though. This time tomorrow I will be in Brussels where I plan on getting a regular hotel, get cleaned up and catch a eurostar straight to work Tuesday morning.

There is so much to say. So much I’ve seen and learnt. Sad to think it is pretty much over.


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