The Reservations were/are a Sydney band that began in 2002. Here you can download our music for free.

The Reservations – I Blame This On You (2005)

In 2005, we recorded an album that was ultimately unreleased, even though it was probably our best work.

(click on the image to download)


1. Joy
2. The Truth About Boys And Girls
3. Last Time Around
4. I Don’t Wanna Talk About the Future
5. (Please Don’t Leave Me) I Promise I Will Change

6. I Keep Waking Up
7. Don’t Get Married
8. The Body
9. Carlights Like Fireflies
10. Days I Get By

The Reservations – Last Impressions (2004)

The first album, that was released through Non-Zero Records, which I am guessing is impossible to find.


1. Calvin & Hobbes
2. Can I Go With You?
3. Messy
4. Forever + Always
5. Somebody New

6. Joni Mitchell’s Blue
7. (Calling Out) I’m Through
8. I Wish You Were In Love
9. As Lonely As Me
10. I Was Born In 1980

Liner notes are here –

I might add more info to this page at a later date.


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