The talk I did a few weeks ago is now up. Along with Emily Copeland, Ben Briand and Kate Hurst, we discussed the issues of being creative and financially savvy. I learnt a lot myself from the other panelists.
Emily Copeland has an excellent blog that really discussed this stuff in detail. You can find it at
The points I really wanted to get across was the way musicians have become creative with their career as well as their music. Trying new ways of getting to people, and looking for new ways to sponsor their creativity. The other, although I only touched on it briefly, is to keep an eye on technology as a way of keeping your costs down.
My favourite point of from the other panelists came from Kate Hurst. Having taking the step into running her own business, she suggests its important to learn the basics of finance. Speak the language. I think it’s a great point.
UPDATE: the player wont embed without autoplaying. So here is a link. WHO THE HELL LIKES AUTOPLAY by the way?