Free Comic Book day started in 2002, and as far as we’re concerned, was the first time indie retail of any sort banded together to make a difference in the Walmart age. Record Store Day and similar events owe it all to Free Comic Book Day.
In 2002, the comic book industry was in dire trouble. Having barely survived the deluxe edition boom of the late 90s, retail and creators suffered. The idea for Free Comic Book Day came from Joe Field of Flying Colors Comics in Colorado. It was accepted with open arms by an industry in crsis and willing to take a risk. All the major, and soon minor, publishers created free comics for the annual event.
So far, over 12 million comic books have been given away with Free Comic Book Day.
This year, Free Comic Book Day is on May 2nd (tomorrow). The fun extends internationally. It’s a bit hard to find on the site, but the ex-US store locator is at http://www.freecomicbookday.com/fcbd_global.asp
The comics also come in all varieties. From standard superhero fare (there’s a Wolverine title, Green Lantern etc), TV and movie tie-ins (Star Wars, Cars, Simpsons), classic kids comics (Archie) to acclaimed alternative titles (Love And Rockets). Full list is here – http://www.freecomicbookday.com/comics.asp
So if you’re walking by a comic book store tomorrow, why not drop by and grab a free comic.