To end another wonderful decade of great music, I’m going to write about ten albums from each of the last ten years, that are either great, or hold some sort of personal significance. A musical kiss off to 00s.

2002 – #5. Coldplay – A Rush Of Blood To the Head

This is, I think, the highest selling album on this list of 100, and by some margin. Amazing that 7 years down the line, Coldplay are still friggin huge. And even though everyone knew them already, it was with A Rush Of Blood to the Head that I discovered a place for Coldplay in my life.

Now, I thought Coldplay sucked. Like sucked HARD. I remember, on their first record, comparing them to a quick wank – satisfying and ultimately pathetic. Such moody, whiny bunch of middle class knobs.

That’s exactly how I felt when I walked into the big tent in Byron Bay’s Splendour in the Grass festival. It was raining, I just got into a fight with someone, and I was sulking, I wanted to be alone (with a large crowd and the festival headliner). And then Coldplay took to the stage.

And they blew me away.

This terrible, rainy night, on comes Coldplay – ever positive and ever pleasing, even when you don’t want to be pleased. Starts with a smile, and ends with a sing-along. They opened with Politik, the song that opens this album, and I never knew Coldplay could be so loud.

By the time Chris Martin went to the piano, and sang the Scientist, I was hooked. I’ve been a casual fan ever since, and will defend them to the hilt. They want to please people. Get over it.

The rest of that terrible, rainy night went by ok after that.

I’m sure better in depth studies on this album and it’s historical impact can be found elsewhere. I wont bother you with those.

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