What is depression?
And how do you find it?
Is it fear?
Is it crossing the street to avoid people for no reason?
Is it worrying what people may say will upset you?
Is it wondering if you’re doing the wrong thing?
Is it looking back and not being proud?
Is it a close heart and a dishonest mouth?
Is it relief when you get away without giving away?
Is it hate?
Is it wanting to smash a stranger on a steet?
Is it wanting to scream and shout at people in your way?
Is it wanting to crash cars into buildings?
Is it wanting to turn people against others?
Is it wanting the world to spin into the sun?
Is it wanting scorch Earth as you go?
Is it loneliness?
Is it constantlly refreshing your emails?
Is it keeping your phone nearby and in reach?
Is it staying out when you know you shouldn’t?
Is it avoiding going home when you should?
Is it spending money to keep from being bored?
Is it a blank page without colour?
What is depression?
And how do you lose it?